By  Kathryn Brian 



The counselling unit of the National Film and Television Institute is devising some creative ways to reach out to students who need support to achieve their personal and academic goals.

The decision of the counseling unit was introduced due to low patronage of services by students of the institute.

Russell a final year student of the Institute has now developed an interest in another program which will enable him pursue a different career path three years after enrolling at the institute.

According to him, he could have avoided this experience if he had utilized the services of the school's counselling unit for career guidance.

                                                                    student of Nafti

  In 2018, management of NAFTI officially set up the Attendance, Monitoring and Counselling unit to offer such critical services. The unit mandated to provide professional counseling and other support services for students.

The Dean’s office in an attempt to help students in their teaching and learning process decided that teachers at each level to monitor students’ needs and challenges during schooling.

In regards to some successes of the counseling unit, the head of the unit Adwoa Prah, has been proactive in preventing student violence and poor academic performance. The unit transitioned from counseling to guidance in other to restore peace between the two factions during the 2019 SRC presidential election followed by an intelligence gained that the presidential aspirants were financed by two prominent political parties.

The counseling unit further introduced #TOOSMARTTOCHEAT campaign which helped students to revise during exams in order to prevent issues of suspension as a result of exams malpractices. 

Despite these strides, the services of the unit are being poorly patronized by students of NAFTI for various reasons including difficulties in reaching the unit, no knowledge about the existing of the unit.

Adding to some of the reasons why the counseling unit is poorly patronized, Augustine Awiah who once served as a welfare officer for the Students Representative Council says he relies on unprofessional sources to resolve problems affecting his academic pursuits due to an ill experience between the SRC and the counselling unit during his tenure of office in terms of helping students.

But Head of the Unit Adowa Prah said students must avail themselves for the guidance and counselling services despite their concerns.






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