

 By Precious Adom - November 01, 2021 Meat may be defined as the fleshy part of edible animals such as cattle, swine, goat and sheep) Some others add the muscles,  fat , tendons and ligaments. As a source of protein, it is an esseal part of a well balanced meal for meat lovers. Meat consumption is widespread irrespective of one’s religion, beliefs and  traditions, Ghana is not excluded.  A recent study show that between 1970 and 2019, total production of meat of Ghana grew substantially from 79,589 to 298,559 tonnes rising at an increasing annual rate that reached a maximum of 11.70% in 1977 and this indicates the love most Ghanaians have for meat. But how well are they familiar with the processes and practices that produce the meat they enjoy so much? A veterinary officer at the Accra Abattoir, Michael Obeng Amoako walked us through what happens in the abattoir. He explained that the first and foremost things the check out for is the general health and condition of the animal before s

Nutritional Benefits of Quail Eggs - FINAL PRODUCTION

  Quail eggs, which come from the quail bird, are small cream coloured eggs covered in brown spots. They are rich in nutrients and provide a lot of benefits to the human body.            Quail birds and eggs              Chicken egg and quail egg Speaking to NAFTI News, Doctor Benjamin Zan said quail eggs provide some important benefits to the human body. "Quail eggs contain some extremely important vitamins in high amounts. Specifically vitamin B12 also known as Cyanocobalamin, Vitamin B2 also known as Roboflavin and Selenium." he said. Quail eggs also contain antioxidants in large quantities. Some studies have been carried out on certain individuals to prove this.                       Dr. Benjamin Zan Doctor Zan also advised pregnant women and people with underlying health conditions to be cautious when consuming quail eggs as they are unpasteurised.                  Dr. Benjamin Zan He also mentioned the cost of quail eggs as a disadvantage as they are more expensive


  THE MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SPORT REFERS TO WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL PLAYERS IN GHANA AS LESSER KNOWNS – PRESIDENT OF GHANA WHEELCHAIR BESKETBALL FEDERATION (GWBF) - (FINAL PRODUCTION). STORY BY: EVELYN COBBINAH. NOVEMBER 4, 2021. The president of Ghana Wheelchair Basketball Federation, Max Vardon has stated that the Ministry of Youth and Sport has refused to acknowledge and develop wheelchair basketball in the country. According to him, Ghana Basketball Wheelchair Federation is referred to as lesser known sport in their budget as most of the resources are allocated and invested in football in the country. “If you go to Ministry of Sport, they would talk about lesser known sport. Why are they lesser known? Because they refuse to acknowledge and they refuse to support and they refuse to promote these so called lesser knowns. All the bulk of money in this country under the curfew of the ministry goes into football, to the exclusion of virtually everything else” he said. He add


 by Sophia Torvi   - October 26, 2021 The Canadian Human Rights Commission defined harassment as a form of discrimination that includes any unwanted physical or verbal behavior that offends or humiliates a person. Equality and Human Rights Commission also defined harassment as in unwanted behavior that one finds offensive. Journalists are expected to be watch dogs of the society and to inform the general public. The hold themselves to a certain code of ethics and make very important decision when reporting news to the world. Journalist become the voice for the voiceless hence, become a tool for change in our society. A picture of the Constitution of Ghana Book Article167 (6) of the constitution of Ghana mandates the National Media Commission (NMC) to ensure that the media grow, perform and progress responsibly. Thus, the commission’s clear responsibility to ensure that, every effort is made by the media to raise the practice of the profession to the highest level of obtaining anywhere.


  Overcoming mental health among individuals especially men is not given the needed attention and has affected most young men in the society. Details of mental health disorder According to the World Health Organization, Mental Health disorder is a wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking and behavior. Among adolescents worldwide, 20% suffer mental disorders. Mental health disorder has become one of the world’s prevalent illnesses of which about 75% to 80% of persons face.   The World Health Organization also estimated that in Ghana, about 650,000 are suffering from the disorder, with majority of them committing suicide as a result of the illness. This resulted in an enactment of the Mental Health Act, Act 846 in 2012 to regulate mental health care in the country. Majority of persons in Ghana living with mental health disorder especially Men have a challenge of expressing their emotions due to lack of care and neglect from society. How does living with the condition feel like


 PHYLLIS DELPHINA AMOAH , Accra.   Dancing With A Purpose  Dancing, a movement of the body to a rhythm, is an activity people do for various reasons such as physical fitness, mental clarity, and commonly for entertainment. Dancing is also a source of livelihood for others who work as dance instructors. There are different types of dances, both local and international such as salsa, ballet, cultural dances and choreography.  Over the years, there have been various choreography groups springing up to perform at different places in Ghana; “Dance with a purpose” is one of such groups. Dance with A Purpose, DWP, is not just a dance group but a dance school or institution, which accommodates and trains young people with the talents and flair for dance.  The group was set up in 2014 by Laud Anoo Konadu and Nicholas Botchey also known as Dancegodloyd and Afrobeast respectively. The group started with family and friends who love to dance and over time, the number increased to about 500 people.


  By Nana Ama Kyeremanteng - 3 rd November, 2021 Accra   In the Ghanaian traditional setting, discussions about sex and sexual activities are mostly regarded as taboo topics. These have become barriers in the provision of sex education by parents to their wards. According to the statistics from the Ghana Health Service, about 15% of the Ghanaian teenage population is having sex by the age of 15. Over 13 thousand teenagers between the ages of 10 and 14 got pregnant within the past five years. And a total of 676 girls in the Volta Region alone got pregnant when schools were closed last year to curb the covid -19 pandemic. Health Promotion Officer Robert Mensah believes the trend can be reversed with effective sex education especially from the home. He said adolescents become confused and naive at the puberty stage due to the changes in their bodies. That is the time parent have to talk to their children about reproductive health in order to prevent consequences when care is not