Overcoming mental health among individuals especially men is not given the needed attention and has affected most young men in the society.

Details of mental health disorder

According to the World Health Organization, Mental Health disorder is a wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking and behavior.

Among adolescents worldwide, 20% suffer mental disorders. Mental health disorder has become one of the world’s prevalent illnesses of which about 75% to 80% of persons face.

 The World Health Organization also estimated that in Ghana, about 650,000 are suffering from the disorder, with majority of them committing suicide as a result of the illness.

This resulted in an enactment of the Mental Health Act, Act 846 in 2012 to regulate mental health care in the country.

Majority of persons in Ghana living with mental health disorder especially Men have a challenge of expressing their emotions due to lack of care and neglect from society.

How does living with the condition feel like especially with men who are generally considered fit and emotionally strong?

 A 26-year-old male battling with mental disorder narrates how it all started. According to him, society does not cherish people with this illness. Battling with mental disorder has developed into a worse state as most victims are pushed into committing suicide.

 Mental health disorder is in different ways and each has its own way of treating it. According to this victim, he feels better and special with words of encouragement. He also reiterates that with the help of some family and friends and seeking medical assistant helps him overcome the situation.

A victim of mental health disorder

From January to May this year, about 75 females and 25 males have had severe issues with mental illness at the department of psychology at the Korle Bu Teaching hospital. A Clinical Psychologist at the hospital, Dr. Elizabeth Yeboah says that in the Ghanaian setting, men are seen to be a stronger vessel and as a result they find it difficult to express their emotions and also explains how men react to some issues like these.

  According Dr. Yeboah, there are several causes of mental health disorder which some could be genetic, environmental, biological, and financial among others. 

Government and the Ghana Health Service must give persons living with mental disorder the needed attention and support at all cost to prevent them from endangering their lives and that of others in society.


Tag: Final Year Project


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