MATERNAL MORTALITY - the scars and wounds it leaves behind (FINAL PRODUCTION)

01 November, 2021. 

WOUNDS OF A WOMB........No woman deserves to die whiles giving life to another.  

Abigail Abbey, Accra. 

Pregnancy comes with a lot of joy and happiness but the process is not all fun and rosy. Many pregnant women die before they are due to give birth. Others die during birth while others die few days after birth, this situation is what the World Health Organization terms as maternal mortality.

Miracle, a six year old girl wakes up every morning hoping to see her mother someday. She has been traumatised ever since she got to know that her mother died whiles giving birth to her twin siblings. 


Miracle Sogbodjor - A child suffering the trauma after losing her mother to maternal death.

Her older siblings, Miguel who is 10 years old and Phoebe who is also 8 years of age have high hopes that their mother will soon return from her journey. 

Their father Isaac Sogbodjor still live with the pain as though it happened some few minutes ago. 

These are some of the many people who suffer the effect of Maternal mortality, stealing their joys of having a complete family. 


The Sogbodjor family 

One may ask, what is driving maternal deaths during childbirth, one of the most important times a woman needs support and quality healthcare?

Some of the causes of Maternal mortality include Anaemia, Eclampsia and Pre-Eclampsia, Infection and other underlying issues in pregnant women like Cancer, HIV and UTIs. Other factors include delay to health facility, unavailability of equipped health facilities, lack of transportation, high illiteracy, ignorance and many more.

Fortunately, the common factors which may lead to maternal deaths in the rural areas may be coming to an end due to the implementation of the "Safe Delivery Project" by the Second Lady of Ghana. 

         Second Lady Samira Bawumia 

However, some of these deaths can prevented by individuals hence Isaac urges families to seek early medical attention to prevent Maternal Mortality. 


           Isaac Sogbodjor - A father.

The maternal mortality ratio remains high and requires strenuous efforts if Ghana has to achieve the sustainable development goal target of 70 per 100,000 live births in 2030. 

It is important for Governments and other Non-Governmental Organizations interested in health to make healthcare system strengthening a priority especially in rural settings if the war against maternal mortality is to be won. 

Maternal mortality keeps taking our dear mothers and sisters away from this earth.

It can cause lasting emotional trauma.

From left to right - Miguel Sogbodjor, Phoebe Seraphina Sogbodjor, Isaac Sogbodjor and Miracle Sogbodjor 

Some people move on after losing their loved ones to death specifically maternal mortality, others on the other hand forever live with the pain and hurt it comes with. The fight against Maternal mortality can be won. 


Miracle Sogbodjor and her sister Phoebe Sogbodjor 

Yes we can do this!


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