Effects and solutions to Masturbation addiction on Females in relationships (Final Year Production)


When you cannot take a break from what you enjoy doing, that’s an addiction.

This is the story of Jasmine and her addiction is masturbation

At the tender age of 12, Jasmine found a CD hidden in a sibling's room in her quest to watch a movie. The title suggested that this could be an interesting action movie for relaxation. But little did she know that this was a pornographic movie which will get her addicted to masturbation.

“I saw one of my brothers CDs thinking it was a movie I could watch but it turned out to be porn. I was a child and at that time I didn’t know what porn was so I continued watching it out of curiosity also because of the feelings that came with it. The CDs were taken away but I still hid in the toilet and used my moms’ phone to access the internet to watch pictures of naked men and women that also got me aroused” Jasmine said.

Source: getty images

Jasmine had multiple sex partners by the time she had her secondary education but none of them could satisfy her like the pleasure from masturbation.

 “I wasn’t able to maintain a steady love relationship because I wasn’t getting the pleasure I wanted sexually, even though I really liked them but I ended up jumping from one guy to the other in search of a fulfilling pleasure” She added.

She was then introduced to the use of sex toys which she found to be more pleasurable. Although she is presently dating a man she wants to marry, she resorts to the use of a dildo after every sexual encounter to satisfy her urge to masturbate.

Source: Getty images

With masturbation being a taboo topic people such as Jasmine will often be in their closet, unwilling to seek help for fear of being stigmatized. In the quest to help Jasmine, I went to the 37 military hospital to meet Miriam Danso, a clinical psychologist who has decided to help Jasmine.

 Miriam Danso tells me that masturbation is a healthy practice which helps individuals know and explore their bodies and also serve as a stress relieve but masturbation addiction is a mental health problem which could lead to depression.


For the likes of Jasmine who are addicted to masturbation, Miriam says the way to go is to confide in a partner and seek psychological help.

Nora Derby



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