Why muslims do henna.

Salamatu Ali Nakyea- Accra


 Lawsonia inermis also known as the henna tree, produces a green leaf from which             henna dye is collected.

                     Figure 1 Source: Online Image of henna tree from Dreamstime.com

Meanwhile the green leaf from the henna tree are pulverized to produce the dye.


                    Figure 2 Source: Online Image of henna dye from Dreamstime.com

This tree is widely grown and its product is mostly used in Northern Africa, 

                                                Images from www.gettyimage.com

Middle East, Southern Asia, Europe and some African countries. Religious sects such as Hindus, Muslims, Pagans, Christians and others use the henna and this varies from region to region.



                                                              Images from www.gettyimages.com


                                                         Images from www.gettyimages.com







Historically, the leaf of the henna plant is used for medicinal purposes to treat ailments such as diarrhea, cancer, headache, stomach upset and skin conditions. It

Can also be used for cosmetics, hair dye and hair care products as well as for finger nails and clothing. These days it is very common for people to use henna on the skin as temporary tattoos. In Ghana, there are many designs associated with henna and is mostly among Muslim women.


It is believed that when they use henna on their body, it will bring them good health, fruitfulness and prosperity.

Henna are generally an intricate design. They start on the hand and the design goes up and down both arms. It is important to note that henna designs are not really tattoos. Henna design tend to last for 2 weeks before it starts to take on a faded appearance. It is impossible to remove except through natural fading.  

We have different types of henna design, 



                                                 Different type of henna.  Images from www.fda.gov

And different colors as well but in Ghana we only use two colors for our designs which is red and black.


Different colors of henna.  Image from www. fda.gov


In an interview with a henna expert at Mamobi Nima, Mariam Abdullah, explained that some people get the design to cover up their scars while others get it for wedding occasions and for daily lifestyle living.

She stated that henna dye including the cheapest priced at GH1.50ps has a liquid called hydrogen which makes the dye black contains a substance which is not good for every skin.

She further disclosed the charges of her services: henna design prices varies in respect to the design and the areas the design covers.







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