Men Who Love to Use Jewelry


Audrey Boateng-Bediako





Jewelries are worn to adorn the body, complete an outfit or make a statement.

For a long time, certain types of jewelries such as waist beads, anklets and others, have been known to be more for women. However, some Ghanaian young men are defying that convention to go beyond the wrist watch, necklace,and one wedding ring, normally used by men. 



“I like Jewelry. It makes me feel good. I don’t think I go out without it. Even when I’m at home, I always have something on” one young man, Kofi, said. 


Kofi is one of such young men defying the gender norms in the use of jewelries by being passionate about the use of jewelries. He wears necklaces, bracelets, earrings and multiple rings. He says, he receives both positive and negative reactions to his excessive use. “Some people say why are you wearing so many rings, you look like a fetish priest”


Mike likes to wear waist beads. “I wear them because, personally I don’t like to gender clothes or fashion accessories. I just wear whatever I feel looks good.” He says people make  a lot of stereotypical comments about him  due to this. Although some people just give him fashion advice by telling him it doesn’t look good on him, others question his masculinity and sexuality. 


Prince, another young man passionate about the use of jewelry, told NAFTI news that, although he wears other types of jewelry, the one that other people find weird is his anklet. 

“I get weird reactions. Everyone says, as a guy you’re not supposed to be wearing anklets, are you gay. I’m used to it now” he said. 


However, these young men love their jewelries and are not going to give it up for anything. 





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