Lockdown on family lives


Before the current pandemic, parents and their children were spending less time interacting with each other because of the busy schedule in the modernized life.

However, most families have taken the opportunity to positively benefit from the lockdown initiated by the government to curb the spread of the coronavirus. 

Initial findings from a study carried out by Leeds Trinity University suggest that the lockdown can have positive impacts on family dynamics and wellbeing. 60 parents from a diverse set of socio-economic backgrounds, geographies, religions and cultures participated in qualitative interviews. 

Parents were asked about employment, home-schooling, family relationships, technology use, health, and wellbeing. The researchers found encouraging findings which suggest that lockdown has been beneficial for some families with positive changes reported. 

Indeed Covid-19 pandemic is changing dramatically how families with children spend their time. Closure of schools and childcare facilities means many families are now the main provider of care and education for their children.

Before the outbreak of the coronavirus, Mondays are the busiest day of the week in Accra. Most people go about their duties thereby causing traffic in town and on the main roads. 

It is a Monday morning in the month of April 2020 in Accra. Most schools, shops, workplaces, churches and companies have been closed while some streets of Accra which are known to be very busy are now almost empty due to the lockdown caused by Covid-19. 

With this, almost all workers, parents and students who are home are making good use of this opportunities to spend quality tome together with their families even though the situation differs from one family to another. The lockdown has helped members of the family to eat together, stay together, spending maximum time physically, witnessing each other’s pain and pleasure. 

As there are always two sides of a coin, so are there positive and negative sides of every situation. For a number of families, it could mean making big changes in everyday routine due to the financial hardships. For other families, it would mean raised anxiety in children, tension in parenting relationships, or general fear. To a large extent, they can say that, although the Covid-19 disrupted a lot of activities, it has helped some families bond well. 


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