After corona what next?


Coronavirus, the world biggest threat still strive with us. The respiratory virus which is contracted through a cough or sneeze from an infected person has introduced precautionary measures include washing your hands, wearing your masks and frequently using the hand sanitizer have been put in place to avoid the spread of the virus.

Some service providers in Accra are strictly complying with the COVID-19 safety protocols despite the general apathy by some members of the public. 

A recent report issued by the Ghana Tourism Federation showed that many operators of restaurants, pubs and other hospitality facilities are disregarding the protocols after the restrictions were eased.

A few service providers in that industry such as food vendor Margaret Amoah are however bent on making a difference in strictly adhering to the COVID-19 protocols.

She tells me that despite the additional cost she is incurring her safety and that of her customers remain her priority.

Just like Margaret, Joseph Bediako who provides transportation service is also concerned about his health and that of his clients in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is his reason for spending on the provision of nose masks for clients who engage his service without complying with the COVID-19 safety protocols.

A medical doctor at the Ledzokuku –Krowor Municipal Assembly hospital (LEKMA) Dr. Amanski Amankrah is warning that the refusal of some service providers to comply with the COVID-19 protocols could erode the gains made in fighting the pandemic.

He advised that these are unprecedented times, we have not seen a pandemic recently. He warn everyone to go with restriction and protocols that have been place and this were all put in place to protect everyone.

He further recommended more take out instead of eating at the premises.

Furthermore stated that the practice of washing decreases the chances of the infection of disease including cholera and diarrhea.

The government and other charitable organizations have donated veronica buckets, nose masks and hand sanitizer to the public in order to help retain a hygienic and serene environment against the current pandemic and after.





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