Independence Square Jacked Into Home By Citizens.


The government and Non- governmental organizations can come together to assist homeless individuals on the streets of Accra especially those at the independence square says Madam Josephine Kumi, PRO of Odo Nti foundation.

Text Box: An individual sleeping at the independence square.

An individual found sleeping at the independence square.

The Independence Square situated in the center of Accra was built in 1961 and the second largest town square or open public place in the world. It contains monuments of Ghana’s Independence struggle and serves as the venue for important national events including the annual 6th March independence anniversary.

Text Box: The Black Star Square which symbolizes 
the independence of Ghana.

A view of the Black Star Square symbolizing the strength of Ghana's independence. 

The Square has stands that can accommodate up to 30,000, but some squatters have taken undue advantage of the poor maintenance of the facility to turn it into their residence. Some of these squatters live on temporary basis while others are permanent.

The Odo nti foundation just like other non-governmental organizations seeks to help the needy and the less privileged in the society. In an interview with the PRO, Madam Josephine Kumi, she stated that trying to find shelter for these squatters will be very difficult, her organization is working very hard with the government to help these individuals.

P.R.O for Odo Enti foundation sharing her opinion about the situation.

A clear of view of the seats at the Square.


Some squatters explained that, they lost their home and as result they decided to settle at the independence square. Others claim they have nowhere to go after migrating from other regions.

Auntie Esther is one of the squatters seeking for assistance to find a better place to live.

The destruction of seats used by these squatters as beds and the insanitary conditions associated with their stay could be a justification of calls for their ejection.

A view of an individual seen at the independence square to sleeping or relaxing.

But Executive Director for an NGO Odo Nti Foundation Josephine Kumi tells me that their ejection without any support will be a violation of their rights.

Reporter: Derrick Adu Asante

Tag: Independence Square






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